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Mobile Plan Options: Best Phone Plans for Two Lines


September 09, 2019

If you’re in a relationship or have a friend that you want to share a phone plan with, it can be helpful to find a great plan for two lines.

As you explore your options, you'll need to consider data sharing between the different lines and how much the plan will cost. This guide outlines everything you need to know so you can find the best phone plans for two lines.

Mobile plan features to look for

When considering what you want from a two-line phone plan, think about the features that are most important to you on any other plan, like talk, text, and data speeds. If you travel a lot, roaming charges are also important. Most plans these days include unlimited talk and text, with the price varying depending on the amount of data you get.

Remember to explore any additional features that might be offered. For example, Xfinity Mobile customers have access to millions of WiFi hotspots nationwide. Regular access to fast and secure WiFi can save data, which in return can help save you money on your monthly bill.

Cellular data on two-line phone plans

Data is typically the focus when it comes to phone plans. With enough data, you can watch movies on the go, play your favorite online games, and easily access your Internet-enabled apps.

Data is handled a little differently on multi-line phone plans, especially if you don't have unlimited. With a set amount each month, each line you have shares that data. For example, if your plan includes 10 Gb and you use 9 Gb on one line, you won’t have much data left for the other line. Unlimited data eliminates such limitations, giving you more freedom to use your devices for what you want.

Some plans let you pay for data by the gigabyte, meaning you can add or remove data each month depending on how much you use.

2 line phone plans cost

Aside from how much data you get, another consideration is how much your multi-line plan costs.

Xfinity Mobile’s By the Gig plan allows customers to select a minimum amount of cellular data each month shared across all lines on an account. Customers can choose how much they need and share it with their family or across their group of friends – the more shared data a customer selects, the more they will save.

And with the unique flexibility to Mix & Match lines across By the Gig and Unlimited, Xfinity Mobile customers can switch between these plans at any time during the month to optimize their plan to best meet their needs.

Saving money and finding a data plan that meets your needs are the two most important factors to consider when exploring two-line cell phone plans. Visit Xfinity Mobile to find a by-the-gig or unlimited option that works for you.

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